Friday, December 14, 2018

Margaret Guzowski Therapy services will be closed for a week

Dec. 16th to 23rd, back on the 24th. Please send an email instead of calling at: All the emails will be answered by Dec. 24th. Thank you. If you are having an emergency please go to the nearest hospital to get help.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Stress Management

I think two of the biggest contributors of our daily life problems are stress and how we manage anger. Here I will talk about stress. Modern life is full of it. We get it from everywhere, other people, ourselves, environment, expectations and pressures, media and electronics to name few. It is impossible to avoid it, but stress can be managed when we take charge of it and we make choices that are for our inner peace and health. To relax we need to create down time in our day (preferably many breaks) where we take few minutes to breathe and to gain prospective. I think most people have heard that, the problem is that we do not practice it, because it seems so simple and obvious. This is the secret, all meditation practices are very easy, and they work, but to start we need to notice when we are beginning to feel that tension of stress building up and when we feel overwhelmed. The best way at this time is to disconnect from whatever we are doing if possible and take few minutes for a break. Consciously we can just sit or walk and take few big breaths to focus on breathing the stress out. We can ask ourselves what do we need right now that is attainable to take care of us in the moment, go on a break? Are we thirsty/hungry? Too tired? How is the stressful situation going to affect us in five years from now (how important is it)? When we know, we can address these needs, and when we do not know, it is OK just to accept it and keep asking the answers will come. All the relaxation techniques are great if they work for us and if they benefit our health. All forms of meditations are great too as well as physical exercise. We have to do it to manage stress. Sometimes longer breaks are needed and we want to keep in mind that it is essential for our well being to recharge to take a break from our daily routines and create vacation experiences and breaks. In addition, some life skills are very helpful to decrease stress and they are organization, punctuality, flexibility and a sense of humor. We want to manage stress and not to get to the place where we get burned out, where depression or other health problems take over, where we need medical and mental health attention. Even then the help is there, though the best way is to keep up our stress management for our whole health.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Video and e-Counselling in the modern era

In this day and age there are other opportunities for psychotherapy in addition to traditional sessions at the therapist’s office. To start I think the face to face therapy is most beneficial as it helps to build a rapport and transference that helps client to practice and resolve life’s challenges. During therapy session, there is something special that happens in the room with two persons present, it is an opportunity for true intimacy and understanding and I already wrote about it. However, in life there are time challenges as well as distances and schedules that make it extremely challenging to get to therapy office in this case there are other opportunities. There is a video counselling through either Skype or similar technology allowing for the session to take place from the distance. This is done in the chosen time with the therapist and it is done in the present. It may be a second best to office visit. Therapist and the client get to see each other on the screen and there is an opportunity for a real therapeutic process to take place. The challenges here are the privacy for the client with choosing a place where there will be no interruptions and confidential environment (it is of course a responsibility of the therapist as well).  Another option is an email exchange where the sessions are happening in form of email letters. The obvious benefit is that the client has an opportunity to engage with the process at their own time. Since it is not a conversation it is not possible to clarify right away what the persons are saying nor to know for sure if there is understanding and engagement in the process. However, if there is an adept skill in writing and openness to do the work, the psychotherapy is possible. Here the therapist may assign homework for client to practice, and get their written feedback and the therapy process may be better described in writing which some persons may find clearer. This mode is not for everyone but it may work if it was the only way to get help. The security and privacy have to be established as well. If one is determined to change their life and make it better, there is always a way. In my practice I offer all these opportunities.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Autism and Special Needs

Therapy with persons with Autism and Special Needs is my area of interest and expertise. This work stared my career in psychotherapy and it has since been a part of my practice and growth. Before I became a therapist, I was working in a day and residential program with dual-diagnosed adults and youth. That is where I met incredibly talented art and music therapists and I loved their approach to clients’ challenges, they were creative, respectful and gentle. I was so inspired that I decided to study art therapy and got them to be my mentors. Over twenty years has passed since I became an Art Therapist and I evolved through working with children with brain injury at Bloorview Kids Rehab, doing family therapy for 10 years with employee assistance program and finally in my own practice but people with special needs and autism have somehow chosen me… they have been coming up in my practice and on my career path. I feel a lovely connection to them because I feel I can offer something different to them, something special, such as acceptance, joy and trust in addition to my psychotherapy skills. I feel that I am meant to be there for them and their families, perhaps because I feel blessed in life and that way, I feel summoned to offer my best to them, to be supportive and understanding. I find that they teach me a lot too, it is a two-way street always, a little progress, smile and acknowledgment brings me so much happiness. I grew my empathy, compassion and humility too. I know the life with Autism and Special needs can be stressful to a person and their family it is complicated and it does take tremendous strength to do life and to be their support. So, I am here for my special population and their families and friends, we can process the challenges together we can grow and learn.