Wednesday, January 23, 2019


This Sunday I watched a very interesting documentary about play. It reminds us that one of the most important kids activities is playing, it teaches problem solving, risk assessment, social skills, helps to develop the brain, it modifies anxiety and depression. I believe play is also important to adults we could all use more of it. Let's play with our kids and let them play. Let's play even without kids.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Gray January

Most of us experience gray January, because it is really gray outside, and lately we do not get much the white snow… it is also after a joyful period of the holidays, for many who celebrate Christmas a very big happy holiday, and for most people there was a break at work, times with our families, some leisure and even some feasting. Now it feels done, and we are back in our gray reality of January. Our problems are still there, or new ones came up, for example overspending on presents or leisure activities. We feel low and experience the blah… This is all very normal. After every big event that ends, after experiencing happiness and joy there is a sense of blues as the big excitement fades… there is a natural sense of the loss and reality check. We have to come back, we have to focus on creating new and on being present. It is not easy and it is good to have a prospective that it is normal; that new things will happen and that it is ok to be in the gray January. We can brainstorm for some healthy new activities, with new year it is good to take on a new hobby, a new sport and to be on the move. Nothing beats the blues than a physical activity combined with some stress reduction of meditation, reflection and renewal. So, going to that gym and taking a yoga class, are really good things for us. Being active and getting outside for a walk and jog are great. There are wonderful additional opportunities of skating and skiing to enjoy now in the winter. Getting enough sleep and rest will also keep us in better spirits and also is connecting with the ones we love and like. However, if there are some issues or life challenges that need more help… the gray January can really bring them forward. It is a good time to see a therapist if there are difficulties that feel beyond our scope or that we keep circling with… it is a good time to start… We want to make things lighter, easier, better for what is new to come… For the Spring it is time for emotional cleanup. And there is a lot of help out there.

Let’s survive January, let’s grow and be happy.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Saturdays appointments available plus on the internet and phone!

I offer Saturdays appointments for clients' convenience. In general I try to accommodate clients best I can and offer Skype and phone as well as e-mail options.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Back at work!

I'm back to work and taking new referrals. Time is challenging for some after the holidays after all the excitement and fun, it is hard to go back to reality and even harder during the wintertime. I will talk about it more soon. In the meantime happy to serve you, and a very Happy New Year 2019!