Thursday, March 26, 2020

Psychotherapy during this difficult time of COVID-19 Pandemic

This time feels scary and overwhelming. There is a lot of information to process and there is also a lot of free support. I recommend that everyone takes time to process the information and access all the supports that they find helpful. The psychotherapy would be helpful at this time when dealing with all that is happening and using the resources and support is not working and more help is needed with old and new problems. Please take care and I wish everyone to keep safe and to be well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Psychotherapy during world crisis

With the stress and fear we are all experiencing, the idea of taking care of mental health can be an additional burden, but it may be a necessity for our well being. Since this process is on-line now, my availability is expanding to hours: 8 am-8 pm including weekends.

Best way to reach me is text/call tel. 289 952 2640 or email:

Also I want to emphasize that my work is short-therm but effective. I work on average from 3-7 sessions with significant change and success. Please stay well take care of yourselves and your families, get help when you need to.

Psychotherapy on-line/decreasing fees-information

I am moving my services online at this time because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

There is help available for stress, burn out, parents resources, anger management, crisis-intervention, conflict resolution, anxiety, depression; and also play and art therapy for kids, art therapy and meditation.

Please take care of mental health, it strengthens immune system and helps us be strong and manage this difficult situation.

I am also lowering the fees for people who are having employment disruption and no insurance at this time.

I am here to help and support adults, children and families.

Friday, March 13, 2020

On-Line Clinical Supervision Course Starts March 23

COVID-19 Pandemic Thoughts

*be kind to self and others
*isolate with fever and cough
*get some extra food
*avoid crowds
*mix kids with seniors less
*stay positive do not panic
*boost the immune system with vitamins and rest
*seek support if needed

Thursday, March 12, 2020

On-line & phone consults help available

During the pandemic closures just a reminder that all help is available on the phone and on-line through video-conferencing and email. I offer these resources normally, and many clients who can not visit in-person benefit. At this time it may be a helpful alternative, even though I am still available for in-person appointments.

Monday, March 9, 2020

I am feeling very proud of my MD students!

My second medical student just got residency at Sick Kids Hospital in Pediatrics, both students practiced at Therapeutic Arts Program and now they will be year apart, training there to be kids doctors! I feel proud and happy because both of these young persons were exceptional, emphatic, deeply-caring, and they will become wonderful pediatricians.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March supervision group for Therapists

I am offering a small, on-line supervision group starting this March for three months at a cost of $395 for 30h. I have couple spots left, with compatible scope of practice,  please contact me directly if interested at