Thursday, July 23, 2020

Back to work!

I am recharged and ready to help after my vacation. This week, I have some appointment spaces open, please do not hesitate to connect when you are ready.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Vacation Notice

I am away July 15 - 23, 2020, to schedule an appointment please call my assistant Arho at tel. 647 212-0806. Thank you.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

new website for all my services!

I am excited to share my new website, learning to manage it, and happy to share all my services on-line at this time, please check it out:

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Therapy On-line continues.

I am still working on-line as I think it is safer and better for people and for myself. The office is not quite opened yet.

I will be offering individual Art Therapy and Yoga Therapy sessions in-person and on-line in the summer mostly for TAP clients, but please inquire if interested.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Supervision Group for Therapists

I am starting a new supervision group on May 21. It will run until August 21 and will involve enhancing therapeutic process and documentation based on sharing the sessions notes and getting feedback plus access to consultations with me when needed. For more information please contact me and see the CRPO Supervisor page on this link.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Dealing with Pandemic - Support

I am offering one-time consultations specifically dealing with the pandemic, to help to manage anxiety, fear, loss and uncertainty of Covid-19. These effective sessions are short term and goal orientated. Using relaxation techniques that may include mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral approaches to manage our complex emotions. Parenting and family dynamics (kids and teens) can also be effectively treated. I am also fluent in Polish Language.

Cost: 30min - $60, 1h - $100 (50% off my regular therapy session rate).
Availability Mon.-Sat. 9am to 11am and 6pm-8pm.
Tel. 289 952 2640 or email.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

During this challenging time...

We need to create peace inside us. We want to be more loving, kind and generous. Let's do everything we can to help others and ourselves. Let's offer prayer, kindness, meditation, understanding in our homes and communities. So that there are no more tragedies that can be avoided. There is meditation on my page that is available. There is free help on-line and in person at the hospitals and communities that is easy to find. If one is ready there is mental health support. Please choose therapy and help when you need it. Let's achieve balance again, good health and hope.

If one needs consultation, family support, couples work, individual, kids or teens, special needs, or therapist supervision, please do not hesitate to reach out to me I am here to help. M

Happy Earth Day!

Let's be kind to our Earth! Enjoy its beauty keep it pristine clean. No rubber gloves and masks on the ground added to the garbage we are making... When we are loving our Earth we love ourselves.

Monday, April 6, 2020

I support front line Staff in Health Care and Essential Workers

I offer free consultations to any front line workers that are working in Pandemic Crisis. My sessions are free for these workers who do not have insurance that covers my services.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Psychotherapy during this difficult time of COVID-19 Pandemic

This time feels scary and overwhelming. There is a lot of information to process and there is also a lot of free support. I recommend that everyone takes time to process the information and access all the supports that they find helpful. The psychotherapy would be helpful at this time when dealing with all that is happening and using the resources and support is not working and more help is needed with old and new problems. Please take care and I wish everyone to keep safe and to be well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Psychotherapy during world crisis

With the stress and fear we are all experiencing, the idea of taking care of mental health can be an additional burden, but it may be a necessity for our well being. Since this process is on-line now, my availability is expanding to hours: 8 am-8 pm including weekends.

Best way to reach me is text/call tel. 289 952 2640 or email:

Also I want to emphasize that my work is short-therm but effective. I work on average from 3-7 sessions with significant change and success. Please stay well take care of yourselves and your families, get help when you need to.

Psychotherapy on-line/decreasing fees-information

I am moving my services online at this time because of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

There is help available for stress, burn out, parents resources, anger management, crisis-intervention, conflict resolution, anxiety, depression; and also play and art therapy for kids, art therapy and meditation.

Please take care of mental health, it strengthens immune system and helps us be strong and manage this difficult situation.

I am also lowering the fees for people who are having employment disruption and no insurance at this time.

I am here to help and support adults, children and families.

Friday, March 13, 2020

On-Line Clinical Supervision Course Starts March 23

COVID-19 Pandemic Thoughts

*be kind to self and others
*isolate with fever and cough
*get some extra food
*avoid crowds
*mix kids with seniors less
*stay positive do not panic
*boost the immune system with vitamins and rest
*seek support if needed

Thursday, March 12, 2020

On-line & phone consults help available

During the pandemic closures just a reminder that all help is available on the phone and on-line through video-conferencing and email. I offer these resources normally, and many clients who can not visit in-person benefit. At this time it may be a helpful alternative, even though I am still available for in-person appointments.

Monday, March 9, 2020

I am feeling very proud of my MD students!

My second medical student just got residency at Sick Kids Hospital in Pediatrics, both students practiced at Therapeutic Arts Program and now they will be year apart, training there to be kids doctors! I feel proud and happy because both of these young persons were exceptional, emphatic, deeply-caring, and they will become wonderful pediatricians.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March supervision group for Therapists

I am offering a small, on-line supervision group starting this March for three months at a cost of $395 for 30h. I have couple spots left, with compatible scope of practice,  please contact me directly if interested at

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Supervision Group for Qualifying Therapists

I am preparing to start a supervision groups for qualifying CRPO therapists (or in need of supervision). It will be a general supervision for the populations and modalities used in my work. I will have on-line and in-person group options. Individual supervison is also available. For more details please see the Supervision page on this link and contact me directly.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

DBT - a modality option.

I completed a course in  Dialectic Behavioral Therapy which can be helpful for depression and anxiety. It has components of validation, life skills and mindfulness, I hope it will be helpful for my clients.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

I teach Mindfulness Meditation

I offer in person session as well as on the phone/Skype and to groups. Everyone can benefit from this simple practice from children to older adults, it works really well for stressed out young people and students. The best results would give one teaching session and at least one more to support your practice. Here below you can find a short version of the meditation the idea is to do it slowly for twenty minutes and to learn with someone. Teachers who practice meditation know how to ground (hold space) for the meditation, with practice, meditators can do it on their own.

Sit comfortably in the chair, with feet on the floor and straight back. Take first three deep breaths close your eyes.
Bring your attention with breath to the top of your head, to your skin on the head including the face, to the forehead, eyes area, cheeks and nose, mouth and jaws. Bring the attention to the inside of the heard to the brain.
Bring your attention to your neck outside and inside the neck.
To your shoulders, arms, forearms and hands.
Bring attention awareness to the upper body, the chest, the inside the ribcage, the heart and lungs. Upper back.
To the middle of the body to the abdomen, middle back and all the organs inside.
Bring attention to the lower abdomen, lower back and hips.
Bring attention to the upper legs, the thighs, the knees, the sheens, the ankles and the top of the feet. To the small bones and joints and muscles in your feet, to the bottom of the feet.
Now after the body scan is done, take couple of deep breaths as if you could sweep from the top of the head through the bottom of the feet the stress the anger and everything that you can let go of the body at this time.
Stay for a breath or so, and then gently come back to the outside world, by moving the body gently; shifting, maybe stretching and opening your eyes.

Mindfulness Meditation is based on Buddhist meditation but it is not religious it can be practiced by everyone to release stress and feel better and it is approved in the hospitals in North America. It has been developed by Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn who has written many helpful books and can be freely watched on YouTube.

Monday, February 3, 2020

A great relationships book!

I just finished reading a book titled "Attached" by Dr. Amir Levine and Rachel Heller. It is a wonderful, simple explanation of how relationships, particularly romantic ones, work based on our attachment styles. It also teaches us how to become more securely attached and happy. I recommend it to anyone who wants to understand how they relate to their partners and potential love interests; how to better communicate and choose the right relationship.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Welcome and Happy New Year 2020

Welcome new and returning clients. A very happy new year 2020 to all. Let our vision for this new year be 20-20 in happiness, love, empathy and kindness for each other.