Friday, April 24, 2020

Dealing with Pandemic - Support

I am offering one-time consultations specifically dealing with the pandemic, to help to manage anxiety, fear, loss and uncertainty of Covid-19. These effective sessions are short term and goal orientated. Using relaxation techniques that may include mindfulness, and cognitive-behavioral approaches to manage our complex emotions. Parenting and family dynamics (kids and teens) can also be effectively treated. I am also fluent in Polish Language.

Cost: 30min - $60, 1h - $100 (50% off my regular therapy session rate).
Availability Mon.-Sat. 9am to 11am and 6pm-8pm.
Tel. 289 952 2640 or email.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

During this challenging time...

We need to create peace inside us. We want to be more loving, kind and generous. Let's do everything we can to help others and ourselves. Let's offer prayer, kindness, meditation, understanding in our homes and communities. So that there are no more tragedies that can be avoided. There is meditation on my page that is available. There is free help on-line and in person at the hospitals and communities that is easy to find. If one is ready there is mental health support. Please choose therapy and help when you need it. Let's achieve balance again, good health and hope.

If one needs consultation, family support, couples work, individual, kids or teens, special needs, or therapist supervision, please do not hesitate to reach out to me I am here to help. M

Happy Earth Day!

Let's be kind to our Earth! Enjoy its beauty keep it pristine clean. No rubber gloves and masks on the ground added to the garbage we are making... When we are loving our Earth we love ourselves.

Monday, April 6, 2020

I support front line Staff in Health Care and Essential Workers

I offer free consultations to any front line workers that are working in Pandemic Crisis. My sessions are free for these workers who do not have insurance that covers my services.